Friday, February 19, 2010

Matt Smith - the Eleventh Doctor

First in my collection of celebrity autographs is actually my most recent acquisition, Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor from the long (LONG) running BBC Sci Fi show Doctor Who.

Matt Smith

Matt Smith was announced with much fanfare last year as the new Doctor, to be replacing the much loved David Tennant. Many things were said about Matt Smith, and not all of them good:

  • "He's too young". He was cast in the role at age 28, which does make him the youngest Doctor, but Peter Davison (the Fifth Doctor) was cast at age 31, so it's not un-heard of.
  • "He looks like a Goth/Emo". Well yeah, the first production shots were very dark, and Matt Smith was wearing all black, but that doesn't mean he'll be wearing that costume in the show. Like I said in forums at the time, his costume might change (and I was right too). So now instead of an Emo Doctor, we have a College Professor Doctor (at least it's better then the rumoured Pirate Doctor, arrgh!).
  • "He's hair is too long". So?
  • "He's a bit of a spunk". I guess, if you're into that kind of thing. Perhaps this was just the rant of an ex-Tennant lover, too eager to jump on the bandwagon.
Lately there has been some BAD things written about Matt Smith by "fans" who want to see David Tennant return to the role. Now, as a Doctor Who fan and a James Bond fan, I'm used to feeling a bit down when an actor leaves the role, but leaving death threats on Facebook is just not cool. You have to just accept that a new actor is in the role (sometimes they're better, sometimes not) but it's 2010, you can always watch the reruns or pop on the DVD.

On 1st January 2010, David Tennant finally said farewell to Doctor Who in The End Of Time Part 2. I won't spoil anything for you if you haven't watched it yet (this episode airs on the ABC here is Australia tomorrow at 7:30PM) except to say that we're treated to 1 minute and 6 seconds of Matt Smith. My immediate summation, MANIC.

Matt Smith on set in costume.

Anyway back to my autograph, this was obtained through the mail after I sent a fanmail address (including a self-addressed envelope) to the BBC Wales. It's an incribed 3x5 card featuring the very first image taken of Matt Smith after he was announced as the new Doctor.

Interesting point, the TARDIS in the background was photoshopped in. There was much secrecy about the new Doctor, and the BBC didn't want anyone to leak photos onto the net too early.

Matt Smith autograph

In any event, I'm quite pleased to have received the autograph, as many actors out there (not just confined to Doctor Who) fail to reply to my requests. You know who you are! Grrr!

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