Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sophie Aldred

Now here's a treat, not only do I have another celebrity autograph success to show you, but I also managed to score an interview as well!

Sophie Aldred played Ace in Doctor Who, from Dragonfire in 1987 until Survival in 1989, alongside Sylvester McCoy's 7th Doctor. Many regard her as one of the best companions of all time, she certainly had the best character arc. Since leaving Doctor Who, Sophie has appeared in various childrens shows, on radio and on stage, and is a regular on the convention circuit. But enough from me, here's the interview!

When you joined the cast of Doctor Who in 1987, what impace did you have on the design and character of Ace?

I was one of the lucky one! Having come from a background of fringe and children's theatre, I naturally assumed that I would have a lot of say in my costume. Also the new young script eidtor, Andrew Cartmell, came up to my at the read through and said he really liked the way I was dressed (stripey t-shirt, army shorts, Doc Marten boots) and did I think that was a good sort of look for Ace. It always felt like a collaborative process, including character. Before I did my first season proper, Andrew got me together with the writers for tea so that we could discuss character and they could meet me and suss me out. I thought this was great as it made for a lot more realism I felt.

Looking back, how do you feel about Ace's personal journey throughout her time in the show? Many have argued that Ace had the greatest character arc during the show's run, one that had never been seen before or since.

Well, I would say that certainly before, there was not such a rounded complex character and that was partly due to the generosity of Sylvester as an actor (although he was only too happy to give me the techno jargon lines) and the foresight of Andrew Cartmell. I didn't really think of it - I hadn't watched Dr Who for a long time - but with hindsight it really was rather remarkable, considering there were no other drama roles for young actresses at the time. I would like to think that Rose couldn't have happened without Ace, but then Russell T is an extraordinarily clever man with his finger on the zeitgeist, but to me there were similar elements, especially with "Survival" Ace.

In 2008, the readers of SFX Magazine rated Ace as the 4th Best Doctor Who Companion of all time. How does it feel to still be so highly regarded by the viewers?

I am always delighted that fans have been so taken by the character of Ace, and that she continues to be a force in her own right!

When the show ended in 1989, the character of Ace lived on in various novel and comic books, and there are varied fates which could be attributed to the character, depending on which medium you followed. What future would you have liked to see for Ace?

I must say I did like the idea that she was going to be taken to Gallifrey to train as a Time Lord and put the wind up them! I can't see her having been married off, can you?

With the resurgence in popularity of Doctor Who over the last 5 years, have you ever thought about a return to the show, either as Ace or perhaps even as a new character? If asked, would you like to?

I love the new series with a passion. I am so delighted to see friends who were originally fans of ths how now working on the series and doing such a great job. My 10 year old son has just been allowed to watch his first series live, and his first episode was the first Matt Smith. I had tears in my eyes as I watched his open mouthed wonder and wide eyed excitement. What a great introduction...

I would be honoured to go back, as all of us companions would.

As a former Doctor Who companion, you get invited to conventions the world over. Recently, through First Contact Conventions, we have had highly enjoyable visits by Peter Davison, Mark Strickson, and Paul McGann, which have been fantastic opportunities for the fans in Australia to meet the actors from the show. Have you ever thought about visiting Melbourne as part of a convention?

Funnily enough I have just been invited out in the Autumn, so looking forward so very much to seeing you all!

Many thanks; hope that's all ok for you


So there you go! My heartfelt thanks to Sophie for such a great interview. Sophie can be seen at Armegeddon Melbourne, in October 2010.

As an added treat, here is the autograph I obtained, this time through a raffle at a meeting of the Doctor Who Club of Victoria. It's not usually how I get my autographs, but I'm very pleased.

Until next time!

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